The Barefoot Blog

Zero Drop Shoes | Barefoot Shoes

Zero Drop Shoes

Zero drop shoes are simply shoes in which there is no elevation difference between your ankle and your toes. Most of our sports shoes and sneakers also have 4-8% incline...

Zero Drop Shoes

Zero drop shoes are simply shoes in which there is no elevation difference between your ankle and your toes. Most of our sports shoes and sneakers also have 4-8% incline...

Barefoot on grass

The Benefits of Walking Barefoot On Grass

Walking is one of our most primal and natural forms of movement and exercise.Not only does it help you connect better, it also comes with its own health benefits. In...

The Benefits of Walking Barefoot On Grass

Walking is one of our most primal and natural forms of movement and exercise.Not only does it help you connect better, it also comes with its own health benefits. In...


Best Shoes For Bunions

Bunions are painful bony bumps that form on the joint of your big toe.While some cases of bunions are hereditary, the majority of bunion cases are caused by ill fitting...

Best Shoes For Bunions

Bunions are painful bony bumps that form on the joint of your big toe.While some cases of bunions are hereditary, the majority of bunion cases are caused by ill fitting...

Best Marathon Training Shoes

Marathon Running Shoes

A marathon is the ultimate test of a person’s endurance and mental strength.Training for months, only to run for a few hours, sometimes in grueling heat, on treacherous slopes is...

Marathon Running Shoes

A marathon is the ultimate test of a person’s endurance and mental strength.Training for months, only to run for a few hours, sometimes in grueling heat, on treacherous slopes is...

Perfect Running Form

The Perfect Running Form

The perfect running form is all about being the most efficient and smooth with each step as you run. It keeps you safe, and gives you the best chance at...

The Perfect Running Form

The perfect running form is all about being the most efficient and smooth with each step as you run. It keeps you safe, and gives you the best chance at...

Foot Pronation

Overpronation And Fallen Arches

The overpronation epidemic is here to stay.There are more and more people every day who complain of foot pain due to a fallen arch, especially athletes.If you are one of these...

Overpronation And Fallen Arches

The overpronation epidemic is here to stay.There are more and more people every day who complain of foot pain due to a fallen arch, especially athletes.If you are one of these...