What Is "Bha"?: The Indian Shoe Sizing System
‘Bha’ is a new Indian standard of shoe sizes recommended by CLRI (Central Leather Research Institute) and DPIIT (Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade).
This is based on a study that was started in December 2021 where a pan- India survey was conducted studying foot shapes and sizes for Indians in various states.
The study brought out the ineffectiveness of the current UK and Europe standards that are followed for Indian footwear.
The UK system of footwear was introduced before Independence without surveying the Indian population at all. Eventually Indians adopted the UK standard, US standard, EU standard and even the Japanese standard.
The need for an Indian standard was long overdue.
The study found that Indians have a wider foot structure than European and American people which means that Indians usually have to purchase shoes that are a size larger to accommodate their toes leaving room vertically, leading to ill fitted shoes.
The survey further found that the average foot size growth for Indian women peaked at 11 years old, while for Indian men, it peaked at around 15 or 16 years old.
The Bha Shoe Sizing System recommends 8 sizes
I – Infants (0-1 year)
II – Toddlers (1-3 years)
III – Small children (4-6 years)
IV – Children (7-11 years)
V – Girls (12-13 years)
VI – Boys (12-14 years)
VII – Women (14 years and above)
VIII – Men (15 years and above)
The new system will be extensively tested over the course of this year with a testing group of around 10,000 people and if all goes well, it is set to be implemented by early 2025.
The new system aims to provide better fitting shoes to over 85% of the population.
The step to standardize footwear specifically to Indian foot shape is great for the consumers and manufacturers as well.
It will ensure people can finally wear footwear that will enable them to perform better and go about their days without compromising on their foot health.